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Cockroaches are a high risk pest to have in your home. They carry a range of serious illnesses including salmonella, dysentery, and gastroenteritis. The risk is particularly high in homes with children, the elderly or those fighting illnesses.

Cockroach droppings have even been implicated as being a contributing factor leading to childhood asthma. Beyond significant health risks, cockroaches are a disturbing pest to many homeowners. They also produce an obnoxious odor that contaminates nearby food and belongings.

Cockroaches can breed rapidly and are highly resilient. A quick response is essential to prevent cockroaches in your home or spreading to your neighbours.

Check for common signs like droppings or egg cases to see if you have a cockroach problem

Practical steps to keep cockroaches away from your property.

Adelaide Pest Control’s Cockroach Control Service

We offer a call-out service to treat cockroaches or any other pest problems at your property. Our service is fast, effective and affordable.

Call us at (65) 6347 8138 for your home or for your business premises. Alternatively, you can contact us online to arrange a site survey of your property and to discuss our range of effective solutions.

Practical steps to keep cockroaches away from your property.

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Get Rid of Cockroaches

Get safe and professional tailored solutions to quickly remove cockroaches.