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Flies can be a nuisance when buzzing around the home particularly if in large numbers. However, some species of flies also pose a health risk. In particular, house flies can transmit a wide range of disease-causing microbes, including those responsible for food poisoning, dysentery, tuberculosis, cholera and parasitic worm infections.

If a small fly problem is left uncontrolled, it has the potential to turn into a serious infestation. Some fly species are able to mature from eggs to adults in just seven days.

See how to identify signs of a problem.

Find practical tips to keep flies away.

Learn more about the lifecycle and habits of flies.

Fly Control Solutions

Fly control is important. If left uncontrolled, it has the potential to turn into an infestation. Fly species can mature from eggs to adults in 7 days.

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How to Get Rid of Flies

See how professional fly treatments can protect against flies